A ​​Goals Based Approach  |  Investments  | Retirement Income Planning

G R E E N  P A S T U R E S  W E A L T H  M ​A N A G E M E N T

Click on the Chart 18.1 - 18.4 links below to review detail performance results and risk/return statistics (Net of Fees) for the Green Pastures PEACE OF MIND Models.



Chart 17 below highlights summary performance results and risk/return statistics (Net of Fees) for the Green Pastures PEACE OF MIND Models through March 31, 2022..

As mentioned previously, investing is somewhat analogous to horseback riding - some folks like to mosey along - others folks like to gallop.

Each investor has different financial goals that he or she is trying to achieve, as well as varying risk tolerance thresholds that he or she is willing to endure in pursuit of those goals. There is no one-size-fits-all investment portfolio.

The Green Pastures PEACE OF MIND Models differ with respect to their asset allocation, upside performance potential and corresponding downside potential for risk.

In the preceding drop down menu sections, we discussed the merits of investing in Green Pastures strategically managed All Weather Models and Green Pastures dynamically managed Defensive Growth Models, two very different approaches to investing.

However, since we do not have a crystal ball as to when a strategic investment strategy or a dynamic investment strategy will perform better, the Green Pastures PEACE OF MIND Models diversify investments into both models, so you can be in a position to benefit from whichever strategy is performing well at the moment - and help keep your overall investment portfolio on its long term course. 

Smoothing out the volatility and draw downs (losses) creates more stable returns - more stable returns typically translates into lowering your stress level - and a lower stress level typically translates into producing better long-term investment results for you - because it makes it easier for you to have the confidence to stick with a plan, through good times and bad, and enjoy long-term success.

The PEACE OF MIND Models combine two very different approaches to investing to help give you what you want - reasonable risks and returns - and peace of mind.



The Green Pastures PEACE OF MIND Models can be put to use as stand-alone investment portfolios or as complements to your investment portfolio held elsewhere, so you can be in a position to benefit from whichever strategy is performing well at the moment. 

The combination of reasonable risks and returns, with real peace of mind, is the ultimate investment portfolio, giving you the time and freedom to focus on life. 

To learn more, email lee@greenpastureswm.com.

Target Asset Allocation


All Weather Models +  Defensive Growth Models

​​Artist: Amanda C. Herbert  |  www.essentiaequi.com

Performance And Risk/Return Statistics